A Man was found dead in former mineral water factory. The victim has not yet been identified. The body was removed to the Legal Medical Institute in Castanhal, the rural community of Km 42, on the PA-136 highway, which connects Castanhal to Curuçá, in the northeast of Pará, is usually quiet. Daily life there is characterized by the coming and going of vehicles on the road and the simplicity of working in the field. However, this Friday (10), the peace of the residents was interrupted by a mysterious death. A man was found dead in the building of an old mineral water factory. The Civil Police has already opened an investigation to investigate what happened. The location belongs to the municipality of Terra Alta and the mansion where the corpse was located is on the access road to Vila de Vista Alegre - another rural community. Deputy Marcos Cruz, from the Terra Alta police station, did not give interviews. To the DOL he said only that the team is gathering "information about the facts