Google translateThree people were arrested by the Civil Police of Ponta Grossa, in Campos Gerais do Paraná, on suspicion of chasing and killing, with stabbings and multiple attacks, the young Nicolas Emanoel Fernandes Furman, aged 18, in the early hours of Friday (8) .
Security camera footage released by the Civil Police shows part of the chase. Nicolas appears in a red and black jacket running down a street. At least four other people appear running after him.
The images of the attacks were blurred because they were strong. The video of the chase may also contain minors, as the police did not identify everyone involved.
The crime took place at the intersection of Rua Balduíno Taques and Teodoro Rosas.
Residents reported to the Municipal Guard, who responded to the incident, that they heard sounds of fighting and shortly afterwards saw the man lying on the ground. According to the corporation, the fight started in Praça Barão.
According to the Civil Police, shortly after the crime, investigations were initiated to identify the prisoners. One of them is the one who appears attacking the already dead victim, as well as a woman who in the images throws a glass bottle at the victim and then tries to steal items from Nicolas' clothes.
According to the police, it is not yet possible to define which act was carried out by each of those investigated, and the participation of other suspects that have not yet been identified cannot be ruled out.
The arrested suspects, according to the Civil Police, reported that they committed the crime because Nicolas, who was a drug dealer, frequently humiliated drug users, who, tired of the situation, attacked and killed the young man.