A 48-year-old lawyer killed his ex-partner with two shots inside the garage of a building in Santos, on the coast of São Paulo. The woman was identified as Michelli Stefani do Nascimento, 27 years old.
After the crime, Vicente Nogueira Gumbis de Souza shot himself in the mouth and died at the scene. The case was registered as a femicide at the Police Station for the Defense of Women. The crime took place in a building located on Rua Particular Lélia, in the Aparecida neighborhood, on Tuesday night (14).
According to the Civil Police, an employee of the building called the authorities through the Military Police Operations Center (Copom) and reported that there was a person lying in the building's garage. At the scene, police officers found that there was a man lying on the ground, with a gun next to his left leg and a woman inside a car. Both people had injuries to their faces. The Mobile Emergency Service (Samu) was called and, after medical evaluation, rescuers confirmed the death of the two people. Authorities requested images of the closed security circuit of the condominium and, specifically, of the building's parking lot, where the two people were found. Through the videos, it was possible to understand what happened in the place.
According to police, the woman arrived at the building around 7 pm and stopped the vehicle in the garage. She got out of the car, removed two suitcases from the trunk and placed them on the floor. The former companion was also in the parking lot and seemed to be waiting for the victim at the scene. According to police, he was anxious as he walked from side to side. After the victim returned to the car, Vicente approached the driver's side window and shot the woman twice. In the sequence, he put the gun in the direction of his mouth and squeezed the trigger, falling beside the victim's car. The police kept the site preserved for the work of expertise and investigation. After the release of the expertise, two cell phones were seized, one belonging to Michelli and the other to Vicente, in addition to the weapon used in the crime.
The case was registered as a feminicide, followed by suicide, at the Santos Women's Police Station and will be investigated