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What Happened In Bucha? A Full Analysis Of The Ukrainian Provocation

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What Happened In Bucha? A Full Analysis Of The Ukrainian Provocation

Late in the evening of April 2 and on the afternoon of April 3, horrifying footage appears on Telegram and Twitter – a pickup truck with AFU military personnel driving around the bodies of civilians. It quickly becomes clear that this is Yablonskaya Street, the settlement of Bucha near Kyiv.
Despite the information that Russian troops had left Bucha as early as March 30, posts about the large number of civilian casualties left behind did not appear until late in the evening of April 2 and the morning of April 3.
It is this time lag that arouses great suspicion, because previously the Ukrainian side worked out all such “facts” very quickly and in a pinpoint manner. There is a feeling that this time was used to prepare the largest-scale provocation since the Maruipilska maternity hospital.
Chronicle of events
The main thesis of the Ukrainian and Western media: the Russian military left Bucha, having previously left huge civilian casualties.
March 30. The Russian military is leaving the city.
The fact that the Russian military left the city as early as March 30 is confirmed by the Ukrainian side. On March 31, the mayor of Bucha talks with an inspired face about the “liberation” of the city. There is no mention of “corpses” along the road or destruction in his speech. And only two days later comes new information about the “hundreds” of dead.
“March 31 will go down in the history of our settlement and the entire territorial community as the day of liberation from Russian orcs, Russian occupants by our Armed Forces of Ukraine of our settlements,” reports the mayor with a happy smile on his face.

Would he have been happy if dozens of his countrymen were lying in the streets shot at the same time? Why does he say nothing in his statement about the atrocities of the Russian executioners? About torture, rape and murder?
In an interview with Meduza, Katerina Ukraintseva, a deputy of the city council of Bucha and a volunteer for the military, confessed that Russian troops did not shoot people in her presence. In the same interview, she confirms that the Ukrainian military is to blame for the main destruction: “If the AFU had responded to the Russian army in full, the city would have been completely destroyed.”
After the withdrawal of the Russian troops, Bucha was “closed” for several days for access by both ordinary citizens and journalists. At the same time, there were no reports of “casualties” during those days.

April 1 or 2. The first unit of the Ukrainian armed forces to enter Bucha was the National Guard special forces of Ukraine. The official Telegram channel of the National Guard published a video shot by the fighters of this detachment themselves. In it, the Ukrainian military are quietly driving through and passing through the streets of the city – and no “mountains of corpses” can be seen in these streets.
Then the Ukrainian soldiers talk to local residents – and there is not a single complaint from the population about the “horrible Russian occupiers” either. The residents simply tell what facilities in Bucha were used by Russian troops as bases of accommodation.
This unequivocally proves the fact that there were no “war crimes” in this settlement at the time when Bucha came under the control of the AFU. There were no corpses in the streets, no mass graves, and no civilians tied up and shot.
We should also note that the first videos with corpses do not appear on Twitter until late in the evening of April 1, and information about this does not begin to spread until April 3.
So where did the corpses on the streets of Bucha come from. And who are these people?
The answer may lie in the video of the territorial defense of Ukraine, which clearly asks the question “Can we shoot at them if there are no blue armbands?” and the positive answer. The video was originally posted to himself by Terrbatov leader Sergei “Botsman” Korotkikh.

One soldier asks another:
– There are guys without blue armbands, can we shoot at them?
– Yes, ***!
There are no bodies with blue armbands in the video. Those that do have them are white, which is an identifying sign for Russians. A resident with a white armband was perceived as neutral or allied with Russian troops.

On April 3, around noon, a second story appears on Ukrainian television, in which it is claimed that the Russian Armed Forces set up a torture chamber in one of the buildings in Bucha, where people were shot. If you watch carefully, you can see the same “white armband”. So, according to Alexander Kots, the military captured and tortured people in order to get information and shot them for “cooperation” with the Russian troops.

In continuation of the topic of white armbands. The video (18+, please do not watch for people with unstable psyche) shows the shooting of the captured Russian BMD crew near Kharkov. Pay attention to the hands of the soldier, whose body is shown at 7-10 seconds – his hands are tied with a white ribbon. The hands of the civilians who were killed in Bucha are tied in the same way.

This is a characteristic feature of the actions of nationalist battalions, which they “automatically” apply everywhere. Videos in which people are tied up in the same way often appear in the TG channel of Sergei “Botsman” Korotkikh.
How could bodies have appeared in Bucha?
This video, which was shown on Ukrainian TV, deserves special attention. The soldiers were dragging a body behind them, which was supposed to be a way to protect themselves, since in combat conditions they often mined the bodies of those killed. This is done by means of a grenade with the linchpin pulled out, which can also have its retarder removed for its instant detonation, by means of conventional mines, as well as IEDs.
When checking for mines, indeed, a sapper “cat” is attached to the body and it is dragged away from the shelter with a long cord, which triggers the detonator. However, all of the options listed above have a threat of striking at considerable distances (up to 25-100 meters, depending on the type of trap installed under the corpse), and in the video not only the cord is only 3-5 meters long, but the check is also not made from behind the shelter. No one demines bodies in such a way, which most likely indicates that the video is a staging.

There are also strangenesses with the position of the bodies. In numerous photos, the corpses lie on a small piece of land – on “ul Yablunska” in Bucha, which is located right on the border of Bucha and Irpen, in front of the bridge. Accordingly, all the photos with the corpses were made in this small piece of land – in the immediate vicinity of Station Street. And with the location of the bodies, as well as the props surrounding them, there are many oddities.

First, the body of the man lying near the fence is moved in different photos. In the original shots by Vadim Ghirda from AP, the body is lying with a bag near his head on the roadway. A street sign can be seen in the background. Ronaldo Schemidt AFP footage shows a different position of the body – with the bag shifted lying on the sidewalk near the fence.
Second, the photos of men “with their hands tied behind their backs” differ in number. In the photo from the Moldovan edition by the same Ronaldo Schemidt from AFP, and in many others, there are three bodies lying on the fence with pallets. In other photos, for example by Mikhail Palinchak from Reuters, there are two bodies, and the body in the middle has disappeared.
It is also worth noting the “props” near the last body with his hands tied with white tape behind his back. A red bank card can be seen next to the body (right near the elbow). It is no longer there in the other photo. In the Reuters photo this card lies with three other cards already much further away.
The official reaction of the Russian side
The Russian Defense Ministry denied accusations by the Kiev regime of allegedly killing civilians in the settlement of Bucha in the Kiev region.
The published photographs and video footage allegedly attesting to some “crimes” committed by Russian servicemen in the town of Bucha is yet another provocation.
The exits from Bucha were not blocked. All local residents were able to freely leave the settlement to the north, including to the Republic of Belarus.
The southern outskirts of the city, including residential areas, were shelled by Ukrainian troops around the clock with large-caliber artillery, tanks, and multiple rocket launchers.
All Russian units completely withdrew from Bucha as early as March 30.
● On March 31, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoly Fedoruk, confirmed in a video message that there were no Russian soldiers in the city, but did not even mention any locals shot in the streets with their hands tied.
● Of particular concern is the fact that all of the bodies of the people whose images were published by the Kiev regime are not rigor mortis after at least four days, have no characteristic corpse stains, and the wounds contain unconsumed blood.
All of this irrefutably confirms that the photos and video footage from Bucha are just another production by the Kiev regime for the Western media.

Opinion Of Experts

War Correspondent Aleksandr Kots Gave His Own Opinion Of The Situation And Confirms That After The Withdrawal Of The Russian Military, The City Was Covered With Artillery Fire By The Afu For Three More Days.

Andrey Medvedev Expressed His Opinion And Gave Interesting Advice On How To Avoid Such Provocations In The Future.

Need For Provocation

The world media started the week with a description of the bloody events in the Ukrainian town of Bucha. The Western media’s position is completely one-sided: everyone blames the massacre solely on Russian servicemen.

The main purpose of the provocation, as in the case of the Mariupol hospital complex, is to accuse Russia of the inhuman crime of killing civilians. But this time, the bloody production also has another goal – to justify to the world community the war crimes of the Ukrainians themselves: shootings of civilians, torture of prisoners of war and terrorist attacks.
Western media’s epiphany
Last week, for the first time in the conflict, the Western media drew attention to the fact that the Ukrainian military and nationalist battalions are indiscriminately violating the Geneva Convention. As you will recall, the Geneva Convention prohibits any torture of prisoners of war. After images surfaced on the Internet of captive Russian soldiers being beaten, their heads cut off, their eyes gouged out, and calls for castration, the Western media began to talk about Ukraine committing war crimes against Russian citizens. The German daily Bild was the first to speak out on this topic. At the same time, the international human rights organization Human Right Watch demanded that the Ukrainian armed forces stop publishing videos of Russian prisoners of war and violating their rights.
Even Bellingcat agency, which usually has an extremely negative attitude towards Russia, criticized the Ukrainian side.
In addition, on Friday evening there was published an interview of Marianna Vyshemirskaya, one of the women in labor, who became the “face” of the provocation with the Mariupol hospital complex.

The girl, whose photo was on the front pages of the world media, said that neither she nor the other women had heard that planes were flying over Mariupol. She also said that all the doctors were kicked out by the military, and the women in labor were moved to another building (probably the ophthalmology department). Vyshemirskaya claims that immediately after the attack she and the other women in labor were filmed without permission by an Associated Press journalist dressed in military uniform, who arrived at the scene almost before the rescuers did. The interview fully proves that the building with the pregnant women was blown up by the AFU and Azov nationalists, which is a serious blow to the reputation of Ukrainian propaganda. And the Ukrainian side needed a retaliatory strike.
Subpoena interception.
There is such a term as “agenda hijacking”: it is when one side of the conflict, wishing to stop discussing its mistakes, deliberately accuses the other of the same thing. It is described by the telegram channel “Ruthless PR”
   How convenient it (the situation in Bucha – VsF) appears only a week after such an uncomfortable story appeared on the information field as the shooting of prisoners of war from the LNR/DNR by the national security forces, about which, as a result of a successful throw-in, the key foreign media write off, although in a neutral vein? What does this tell us, attentive observers of media space? That there is media technology at work in the service of propaganda by Ukrainian forces.
In addition to the provocation in Bucha, a statement was published on Monday by Ukrainian human rights ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova that the Russian side is allegedly violating the rights of prisoners of war. It was based on interrogations of Ukrainian prisoners who had been exchanged for Russian ones, including border guards from Snake Island.

The text says that soldiers were forced to spend the night in tents in twenty-degree frosts and a dog was brought down on them. However, in Sevastopol, where the Ukrainian captives lived, the temperature does not drop to minus twenty, moreover, in March 2022, there were never minus temperatures in Crimea. Moreover, videos of interviews with Ukrainians show no traces of beatings, and the soldiers themselves speak quite sincerely.
Liudmila Denisova’s publication appeared only on April 4, whereas the exchange took place four days ago. Without the provocation in Bucha, the ombudsman’s statement probably would have gone unnoticed. But now, a complete “media kit” has been prepared especially for the Western media: there is the “murder” of innocent civilians and “mockery of prisoners.
Who killed civilians in Bucha? Summary.
Some of the victims were people killed by the tero-defense forces, including the squad of the nationalist Botsman. This is confirmed by the Ukrainians themselves.
The rest of the bodies are the consequences of artillery shelling, which was carried out by the AFU after the withdrawal of Russian troops – the large number of craters from the artillery attacks on the video points to this. And also the indiscriminate firing of Ukrainian troops and Azov soldiers who entered the city. This is confirmed by the large number of corpses with white “neutral” armbands (used by the Defense Ministry and civilians) and video footage, in which representatives of the AFU’s tera defense clearly wondered: “Can we shoot?” – and receive an affirmative answer.
On March 31, after the withdrawal of Russian forces, the mayor of Bucha reported that the city had been liberated, but did not say a word about the casualties and corpses in the streets. Information about this only appeared four days later, which raises more and more questions.
By the way, bodies with tied hands are a characteristic handwriting of the Ukrainian fighters and the military. This is confirmed by the numerous videos they brag about on social networks.
In an interview with Meduza, Katerina Ukraintseva, a deputy of the city council of Bucha and a volunteer for the terrorist defense, admitted that Russian troops did not shoot people in her presence. Those lying on Yablonskaya died as a result of chaotic shooting by the AFU. She also confirms that the Ukrainian military was to blame for the main destruction: “If the AFU had responded to the Russian army in full force, the city would have been completely destroyed.” She says that her house was shelled from the BRDM, but the airborne troops, which controlled Bucha until March 30, do not have such obsolete vehicles – but it is the main vehicle in the AFU armament.
Are there any remaining doubts?
There have been a huge number of provocations on the part of the AFU and the Ukrainian media and telegram channels. After the first wave of horror from the provocation in Bucha swept through the messengers and social networks, pictures began to appear of dead children, with a note that these were the new victims in Irpin and Bucha. They were published by pro-Ukrainian telegram channels, such as “Unian” and “Kyiv. Main.”

A search of the photo helped determine that this photo of dead children appeared online on March 12, and it is linked to a deleted article by Novaya Gazeta (link to the archive dedicated to Nikolaev. The photo is also used in the March 30 article. The bodies of the children are described as follows: Arina Dmitrievna Butym and Veronika Aleksandrovna Biryukova. They were brought in on March 5 at 5pm. They lived in the village of Meshkovo-Pogorelovo.
The official briefing of the Defense Ministry for March 5 reports that on that day, Russian forces occupied the settlements of Novonikolaevka, Komsomolskoye, and Shevchenko in the Nikolayev region.
There were no Russian Armed Forces in Mykolaiv, but there were missile and air strikes on military facilities located in the city and its environs. In particular, the village of Gorokhovka, where the (2082)-th anti-aircraft missile division was based, complete with S-300 air defense systems. The children’s bound hands make it clear that they were not killed by artillery fire.
When it became clear that the information was inaccurate, the media had to delete the posts and apologize (see screenshot).
Previously, the AFU had already claimed that Russian servicemen shot civilians in Chernihiv, while the RF Armed Forces were not in the city.

The story about the maternity hospital in Mariupol destroyed by an air strike was a provocation – the last doubts about the staging were dispelled by the blogger’s personal statement.

Or, for example, Zelensky’s speech in Israel about the destroyed Babi Yar. An Israeli journalist who conducted an investigation did not find any confirmation.

Let us also recall the staged video with “Donbas militiamen” who complain that they are “being led to slaughter. Or a story about the destruction of a convoy of Russian soldiers – the dead turned out to be AFU fighters, as evidenced by a tag with the surname Mischenko on it.

The news that the Russian military shelled a nursing home in Kremenna with tanks also turned out to be a fake. The information began to spread on March 20, despite the fact that the event allegedly took place on March 11.  

Another sensational story is the blown up Drama Theater in Mariupol.

There was no air strike on the city facility, where ordinary residents of Mariupol could be sheltered. The provocation was carried out by fighters from the Azov nationalist battalion, who blew up a building they had booby-trapped. Apparently, they hoped to pass this off as a bomb attack by the Air Force. The preparations had been made in advance: on March 12 and 13, there were tweets and telegrams saying that Azov was planning to blow up the building and blame it on the Russian military. Around the same time, a video was shot showing civilians in the theater (according to various reports from 200 to 1,000 people). The video of dialogues with eyewitnesses clearly shows Russian planes flying, but not attacking civilian objects in Mariupol. In the video (1:30), when asked where the Ukrainian fighters were placing tanks, a woman answers: “…in front of the bomb shelters. In retreat, the Drama Theater was smashed, they just retreated, people were brought to us with shrapnel, and that’s it…”.
Recall that no evidence has yet been presented of the airstrike on the Drama Theater.
It is always necessary to follow the situation carefully, carefully and thoughtfully, double-check the information and wait for official confirmation or denial. That way you will protect yourself and your loved ones from the terrible weapons of disinformation and propaganda.

to be continued...
Category: WarComplaint
Comments (4)
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  1. Toxxic
    Toxxic 15 August 2022 23:32
    Russians are so bad at war,its hilarious
    1. RathalosZ
      RathalosZ 5 November 2022 07:05
      The pukeraine fag that gave you that pigscat info was as goot at analytics as you at reading?))
  2. RathalosZ
    RathalosZ 5 November 2022 07:06
    Entirely correct, author.
    Pukeraine weaponized scum+sponsors are drowning in their own incoherent fakes.
  3. Pennywise
    Pennywise 12 November 2023 14:29
    The standard legend from Moscow, but it got a little dusty and it's still a dumb lie. Like propaganda, what can you expect. Russian troops fighting for fascism and Moscow accusing others of being fascist, little Putin the nazi.