In the early hours of last Monday (09), a tragic incident during a soccer match claimed the life of 16-year-old Edson Lopes Gama, in a community in Maués, in the interior of Amazonas. During a penalty shootout, Edson, who was playing as a goalkeeper, was hit in the chest by a ball, causing him to fall immediately.
Efforts to rescue the young man were hampered by the dry rivers, delaying his arrival at the Maués hospital until 12:15 p.m., when Edson was no longer showing vital signs.
The family was informed by doctors that the cause of Edson's death could be related to repeated impacts to the chest area, aggravating a pre-existing condition or causing a fatal injury. So far, they are awaiting the official report on the cause of death, and Edson had no known history of heart problems.
- He was always dedicated to sports. He was a young man who gave his life for the ball, and it was the ball that took his life - lamented Elisia.
Elisia Lopes, the victim's sister, reported that Edson had previously complained of chest pains, suspecting that it was the result of impacts in past tournaments.