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Police murder a young of several shots

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Category: CopsComplaint
Comments (9)
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cAn 12 July 2021 01:25
And all he had to do was listen to the police. Now he is dead.
brvnha 12 July 2021 13:22
exactly. people always do this type of thing, just listen to police orders and you wont get fucking shot
John from new york
John from new york 17 July 2021 01:15
Fuck it kill them all if u don't listen to police when they ask you not to reach I say kill them all less wannabe tuffguy
Cake 15 August 2021 05:18
lol "kill them all" sounds like something a wannabe tuffguy would say. I agree though, listen to the police for your own sake. Nobody gives a fuck if you stand up to them. You won't either with a bullet in you
Fuck cops and feds
Fuck cops and feds 23 August 2021 00:14
Kill all feds and cops. Fuck the police and fuck niggers who lick their boots
Sad 3 December 2021 02:04
It was Suicide by cop, right before he was shot he yelled "I fucking hate my life", sadly it was obvious that he wanted to get shot, and even more likely is that he probably didn't even have anything behind him.
OinkKiller 25 January 2022 21:17
juan 26 February 2022 23:46
fuck these dirty inbred crackers I'll let them continue to in breed with their one chromosome
Mondolife 1 October 2022 00:47
And nothing of value was lost.
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