The execution and killing of Abul Omari, a Baloch citizen, by the military and security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, once again highlights the wide-ranging dimensions of repression in Balochistan. This deliberate killing, which occurred in a video released from the scene and in front of eyewitnesses, is a clear example of the gross violation of human rights, the use of indiscriminate violence, and the lack of accountability in Iran’s security and judicial structures.
In this report, military forces opened fire on Abul Omari’s car and his companion without warning. According to international law, the use of firearms by security forces is only permitted in cases where there is a direct and serious threat to people’s lives. However, in this incident, not only was the initial shooting without warning, but after the person was wounded and detained, the security forces killed him with successive shots from close range. This action, after a security confrontation, constitutes a field execution and extrajudicial killing.
Shooting from close range indicates a conscious decision to kill a person who had already been wounded and detained. The extrajudicial killings that occur in such cases are a clear example of gross human rights violations, which violate not only domestic laws but also the basic principles of international law and human rights.
Such reports are rarely accompanied by a response from the Islamic Republic authorities. In most cases, not only is the reason for the shooting not explained, but the bodies of the dead are also detained by the security services and the families are pressured to remain silent. This situation shows the lack of transparency and accountability in the Iranian security institutions and the policy of severe repression in Balochistan.
Such incidents are not random, but are part of a systematic process of repression in Balochistan against Baloch citizens. Due to their geographical, religious and ethnic location, the Baloch have been the target of violent attacks by military forces for years. Similar killings, mass arrests and repression of Baloch social and religious activists indicate a policy in which any legal demands or even normal activities of Baloch citizens are violently suppressed.
Given the lack of independent media inside the country, documenting these events and publishing them in free media and international forums is of utmost importance. The published video of this incident is an important document of human rights violations in Iran, especially Balochistan, and can be cited in human rights forums.
The killing of "Abu Al-Bamri" is not an isolated incident, but rather part of the process of suppression and organized crimes against Baloch citizens. This incident shows that the security institutions, without any commitment to legal and humanitarian principles, commit extrajudicial killings. Silence in the face of such crimes will help perpetuate this practice and lead to intensification of repression. The international community and human rights institutions must respond to these crimes and exert more pressure on the Islamic Republic to end this cycle of violence and injustice.