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Attempted Coup D'etat In Kazakhstan Suppressed By Russian Troops

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Category: WarComplaint
Comments (7)
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TheMummy 19 June 2022 10:45
Fuck Putin and whoever glorifies this bisexual dwarf who must be poisoned and murderers slowly in order to enjoy a lot by watching a torture, especially the people who have been tortured, rape, cut and killed their relatives
BellyMeat 2 September 2022 00:34
Thats no coup…its how they pay the russian soldiers -whatever they can carry away is their pay; not new its from Joe Stalin
RathalosZ 5 November 2022 15:02
Whatever you say, oil thiefing yankee.
Murica bases eat rainbows where they're placed...)
RathalosZ 5 November 2022 15:05
Go cry a black sea for your stomped terrorist friends, pukeraine swine abortus.)
Your benderstan shithole is in it's terminal stage, you just enjoy the masters scalpel and squeal sell.)
RathalosZ 5 November 2022 15:07
Great work.
Orange rag terrocunts deserve to eat pavement.
Only language yankee suck up street trash like them ever knew.
RathalosZ 5 November 2022 15:14
And oink less.
Ah, and the snipers that were making the same trash diversions as in pukeraine 2014 - either detained or splattered on the pavement, benderstan xep-oi style.
RathalosZ 5 November 2022 15:21
Wow, just like blm these scum "righteously attack" shops and atms... ...predictable.
Since shitty movie 2014 nothing's changed.
Stomp them russia, ZOV.
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