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Terbanggi Besar Police are investigating the incident of the death of a worker named Andriansyah (19) due to being crushed by a chipping machine at PT Minggok Indonesia.
Terbanggi Besar Police Chief, Commissioner Gusvin Argunan, said that after the incident, his party had visited PT Minggok Indonesia (MI), a wood processing company located in Dusun Way Kekah, Kampung Terbanggi Besar, Terbanggi Besar District, Central Lampung Regency, on Wednesday (12/2/2025) at around 16.00 WIB.
Yusvin said that Adriansyah (19) died after falling and entering the Chipper machine (wood shredder).
"The factory location where the work accident occurred has been sterilized and police lines have been installed, Terbanggi Besar Police are investigating the incident," he said, Thursday (13/2/2025).
Yusvin said that from the information he received before the incident, the victim's colleague, Dian Irawan, as the Chipper machine operator, was cleaning the area around the machine which was still on.
Then, he said, while cleaning, the witness saw the victim walking towards the machine where he was working.
"Shortly after that, the machine suddenly turned off, and the witness checked the top of the machine, it turned out that the victim had entered and was crushed inside until the machine turned off," he said.
Police Commissioner Yusvin said that his party was aware of the incident and went to the scene after receiving a report from the management of PT Minggok Indonesia to report the incident to the Terbanggi Besar Police.
Yusvin and the police ranks together with Inafis Polres Lampung Tengah also evacuated the victim's body.
The victim's body was taken to the Demang Sepulau Raya Hospital for a post-mortem for further examination.
"Further investigation will be carried out by the police to find out the exact cause of this tragic incident," said the police chief.
"On Wednesday afternoon, the victim's body was taken to the funeral home, namely in Gedung Dalem, East Lampung to be buried," he concluded.